Monday 16 February 2015

     stop killing Innocent soul boko haram
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The Problems, Challenges And Solutions To Insecurity In Nigeria

By Godday Odidi

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Few years ago, Nigerians were anxiously concerned on how the federal government can tackle the corrosive and caustic corruption, education, agriculture and power failure, but the recurring spate of hapless killings in the Northern parts of Nigeria diverted the minds of Nigerians to make the federal government to concentrate on tackling security threats in the country.
Government is meant to protect her citizens and property but in Nigeria the reverse is now the case. Over 10,000 people had been innocently killed while property worth millions of naira destroyed for no just cause and the federal government has abysmally failed to bring the unsympathetic committers to book. The emergence of this extremist called” Boko Haram” which means against western education has gone beyond the educational philosophy but politically motivated by some elements that derived joy in seeing fellow human beings being slaughtered as domestic animals and rendered homelessly.
people keep dieing every day cause by inhumane citizens
It is apparently clear that Boko Haram members are not unlettered as it was formerly described but assembled with highly educated people who are sponsored to disintegrate Nigeria in the hands of President Goodluck Jonathan. President Goodluck Jonathan should know that if the GDP of the country increases to 60 percent and number 26th economy in the world, her citizens are not protected, then the much celebrated GDP is zero percent to Nigerians.

The coldhearted and ruthless killings has also affected the security agencies deployed to these Northern parts of the country. Though Boko Haram has not made it clear to Nigeria while the continuous bombings of property and hapless killings of people, unlike when the Niger- Delta militants made their demands known to the federal government and amnesty was extended to them without no rancor.
At the spate of bombings, President Goodluck Jonathan had intended to extend olive branch than the carrot and stick approach by giving Boko Haram members amnesty but was out rightly rejected by the sect who felt the present national leadership is a threat to Northern region. Kidnapping was more pronounced in the Niger-Delta region until late President Musa Yar’Adua extended amnesty compensation to the militants while the south east part of Nigeria was also experiencing high profile kidnappings but was quickly averted by security agencies.
The countless bombings of churches, mosques, schools, government buildings and others have equally put Nigeria into a terrorist list which indicated that the federal government has to improve on the welfare of security agencies in Nigeria. Boko Haram members are not spirit but human beings like ours. One thing the government has failed to comb out the sponsors of this dreaded sect not the executors. The executors are just messengers to the highest order.
In one of the dailies reported recently where overambitious and controversial Presidential candidate of one of the frustrated opposition parties told his veritable supporters that if voted for in 2015, security problem will be tackled immediately and in the same vein another notable politician in Nigeria has made it clear in 2011 elections after the democratic victory of President Goodluck Jonathan that Nigeria would be ungovernable because of his failure to secure the presidential ticket. President Jonathan once said that Boko Haram members are part of his constituted cabinet.
Boko Haram insurgence not just started today, it all started from the military eras where letter bombs were used to execute top Nigerians that felt the government then were tyrannically domineering and oppressive. The unpopular government policies in the military governments then prompted some audacious Nigerians to stage some organized protests across the country to halt the autocratic leadership that brought the existence of democracy.
Apart from food insecurity, financial insecurity and others, security failure has eaten deep into the fabrics of the society making Nigerians not to be confidence with President Goodluck Jonathan’s leadership anymore. Boko Haram insurgence does not stop churches from evangelizing the gospel of Christ in the north as far Christ continues to exist on earth. Several attempts have been made by Boko Haram members to bomb government institutions but recently intercepted by our trained security operatives in Nigeria. The fear of living in the Northern region is the beginning of many Nigerians being rendered homeless.The worst is the security unrest at a frightening level where the Hausa and Fulani herdsmen now sacking some middle Belt and Isoko communities from their farmlands through sophiscated arms and ammunition, while many farmers have been unjustly killed by these desperate cattle rearers who want to take possession of their farmlands by force.
With the ongoing national conference, insecurity should be critically addressed with the spate of unemployment among our growing youths in Nigeria and to avert heartless killings in 2015. The issue of Boko Haram sponsors should be seriously tackled to bring these elements to book. Boko Haram is not the problem of Nigeria but those who felt the present leadership never ceded to their region decided to arm young people to cause political havoc on innocent Nigerians.
President Goodluck Jonathan is a detribalized leader with integrity. The recent centenary celebration was an indication that President Goodluck is a called leader sent by God to unite Nigeria against disintegration. The recent discovery of evil forest in Ibadan where human beings were slaughtered for ritual purposes could portent the state of insecurity in the country if not prevented by Nigeria security agencies.
Thousands of security operatives had sacrificed their precious lives in protecting Nigerians from Boko Haram onslaught. Politics of bitterness is one of the problems creating security unrest in Nigeria where politicians see political positions as do or die affairs. Boko Haram members almost foiled jail break in the SSS custody in Abuja where handful members escaped and few were re-arrested.
Again, the state of youth unemployment in Nigeria, Boko Haram will continue to increase if necessary machineries are not put in place to combat the situation.
The Northern leaders and elders have many questions to answer on the spate of bombings in the region than blaming Jonathan’s leadership at the central. It sad that a top political leader once said that Boko Haram members are well- equipped than the Nigerian security agencies. In other words our Nigerian security agencies are in total failure. Even federal government declaring states of emergencies to those troubled northern states have not prevented Boko Haram attacks.
Some of the views indicated that most Boko Haram members are not Nigerians but are paid to cause political havoc in the country as far President Goodluck continues to remain in power till 2019. It is the duty of government to protect her citizens. Political statements by politicians should be verified by media organizations before publications to avoid unstable leadership in Nigeria. We have so far buried innocent Nigerians and President Jonathan must swift into action to curtain Boko Haram insurgence and other criminal activities in Nigeria. It is time for Boko Haram members to embrace President Goodluck Jonathan’s amnesty drive now. Nigeria must unite in Jesus name.
Godday Odidi
Public Affairs Analyst
08058124798. Lagos

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