Good luck Jonathan is the best president Nigerian have ever produce ,despite the security challenges in the country and the heavy weight of corruption ,further ,change is in the hands of the citizens of this our great country .
the insurgency we have today is the Nigerian against Nigerians ,not the president being misrule ,we should at the slide track let the truth play is rule .the truth is that ,even our past leaders were all corrupted ,it is not today that corruption erupt our nation.
our representatives, the three tiers of government representing the people of this country should check and ask their self whether they really carry out their function as law makers ,because if they do ,most of them would not gang to vote out the incumbent leader despite the problems that are facing the Nigerian society.
In most cases as it expected in every nation ,the peaceful atmosphere that should be exist in our nation as been wipe out by political crises in the country which as destroy the good will of our faithful leader,
Security and welfare of a country should be the primary assignment to every nation and not political hanging ,government should in the interest of her citizen and create a committee to arbitrate between insurgency and political crises that arising in the country ,which is not favorable in the management,economically and in the development of any nation .
We should allegiance to the person who have the qualification and the good quality to rule this country,so as to ensure the realization of harmony and good life of our people.
if the state which is the neutral arbitrator in the society work with the federal government and contribute in the area of insurgency and building up a tight security there will be less problem of insecurity in the country as well,we should not leave every thing to federal government simple because we have a leader it should be a join affairs because it is our fellow individual who f orbit to see the peaceful atmosphere in our nation Nigeria.
there are two major conception that we do away in this country which refers to state but should be apply for generally for the interest of our people and their property as well,the ability to guarantee security and liberty by our government which govern us at large ,while the civil society which is the citizens in the other hand should be able to play a vital rule in providing loyalty and support for the benefit of and fighting the problem that are beset the nation as whole .
we should try to understand that the power is the hands of minority group in every society ,nationally ,even though it appears to be democratic competitive,real power lies with the bureaucratic cum-military elite that influence our social welfare ,as well as promoting some major policies that